Pivot Power
Hour Series
Creating a firm that will accelerate into the future.
During this unprecedented time, accounting professionals need to take
proactive action to continue serving their teams and clients. Our consultants developed this six-part webinar series to help you navigate the current challenges
and discover new opportunities in Leadership, Growth, Technology, Talent, Process and Acceleration. Be sure to tune in to each session for support, inspiration
and resources to help your firm accelerate into the future.
Join our Live Webcasts - Wednesdays at 1:00pm CDT
Past Webinars
Power Hour #1 - Creating Confidence in Anxious Times
We live in an anxious world, but as leaders it is our responsibility to guide our firm through the storm and create confidence for our team and clients.
In this Pivot Power Hour, you will discover:
Proven strategies to insure a positive mindset
A roadmap to secure confidence for you and your firm
Specific action items to put into play today
Power Hour #2 - Creating New Opportunities for Growth Strategies in 2020
The uncertainty is real, but the answer to creating and capitalizing on new opportunities right now is just as real. In this session you will be led through effective strategies that will allow your firm to grow and prosper in a way you were not expecting as you entered 2020.
In this Pivot Power Hour, you will discover:
A process for finding new revenue opportunities
How to spread the wealth of revenue creation throughout the firm
Specific action items to put into play today
Power Hour #3 - Creating Technology Strategies to Protect and Enable Success
Technology just received a front row seat as we went from working primarily in our offices to primarily remote work. While some firms made the transition quicker than others, we found our way. However we also found that hardware was not the only challenge. We now see how technology is truly a strategic asset in our firm.
In this Pivot Power Hour, you will discover:
The “other” technology strategies you must focus on right now
The future is NOW with emerging technologies
Specific action items to put into play today
Power Hour #4 - Creating A Culture of Safety and Trust
At no time in history has our Human Resources been tested like it has in the past few months. We have an obligation to create an environment of safety and trust. New priorities and initiatives are rocking our current culture, but instead of being a negative, this is an extremely powerful and positive time for your firm - if you make the right decisions.
In this Pivot Power Hour, you will discover:
​How safety has jumped to the top of the list, and resources that will help navigate the “must do” list
Top 5 initiatives that your talent professionals should be working on
Specific action items to put into play today
Power Hour #5 - Creating Processes to Sustain True Business Change
Change is scary, but change is also amazing when you change the right things at the right time. Now is the time! Identifying processes in the firm that could become more effective and more efficient frees up time and capacity to work on higher level and more strategic initiatives.
In this Pivot Power Hour, you will discover:
How process improvement is the key to improving profitability
Why now is the time to work on “improvement projects” in the firm
Specific action items to put into play today
Power Hour #6 - Creating Acceleration as We Enter the “New Normal"
Everyone feels the excitement of climbing out of our current normal into the “new normal” ahead of us. While no one knows exactly what that will look like, everyone agrees they are ready to accelerate into a positive future.
In this Pivot Power Hour, you will discover:
Delegation, Community and Communication are keys to true success in our future
Current challenges and successes can transform into the firm’s amazing “new normal”
Specific action items to put into play today