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In today’s business environment and ever-changing landscape of digital disruption, firms need to seek out every competitive advantage. One competitive advantage that leading firms have found is leveraging Lean Six Sigma and workflow technology to support new and improved processes.

Consider the following common symptoms of inefficiency in CPA firms:

  • Delays in completing jobs and responding to client requests
  • Waiting for client data to trickle in
  • Variation in processes between employees
  • Numerous, repeated review notes
  • Time wasted searching for client data
  • Excessive partner time spent on minute details and not enough time spent on high-level activities
  • Feeling as if you’re always working harder, not smarter


If your firm has experienced any of these problems, inefficient processes are holding you back from maximizing talents and resources.

In this guide, we’ll show you how firms that blend Lean Six Sigma with workflow management experience:

  •  Increased throughput and capacity
  • Improved quality
  • Less time spent on non-value-added tasks
  • Increased client service and satisfaction


All of which will allow your firm to maximize the value of your work and improve your bottom line.

Lean Six Sigma+Automated Workflow Technology

  • Click HERE for the whitepaper Lean Six Sigma + Automated Workflow Technology

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