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Building Compassionate Leaders at Eagle U

As parents or caregivers, we want to educate our children, give them personal and professional development opportunities, and produce adults that are compassionate leaders. As a parent, I know that’s easier said than done but having positive outside influences helps.

Eagle University is that outside resource.

Last summer, I had the honor of being part of the Eagle U mentor round table. The experience was incredibly positive and, as someone who made a dramatic career shift in my late 20s, I found myself wishing I’d had Eagle U as a resource to help me decide what I wanted out of life when I was a college or high school student.

But what is Eagle U? And what do kids get from it? Today, I’m answering those questions and sharing information on our scholarship program so you can share this opportunity with a high school or college student you want to help strive for excellence.

What is Eagle U?

Eagle U is a four-day, fun and action-packed program that equips high school and college students with the skills and tools they need to get anything they want out of life.

Chances are, you know someone who went to college for four years only to realize they were on the wrong path and no longer wanted what they thought they wanted. Eagle U helps students build confidence, motivation, and direction to discover what they want out of life and the best path for getting there.

What our previous scholarship recipients have to say about Eagle U

You don’t have to take my word for it. Just see what some of our previous scholarship recipients say about their Eagle U experience.

“My time at Eagle U has forever changed my way of life. In just one week, I made friends, learned skills to better communicate with others, and learned more about myself than I ever have. My favorite part about Eagle U is the energy. I found that my everyday life before Eagle U was a boring routine that lacked any source of energy. At Eagle U, the energy level was high at all times. Their kindness and laughter were incredibly contagious. During one of our sessions, we spoke about how the people you surround yourself with are very important. The community that Eagle U created is definitely one you want to partake in! I have never felt so positive and happy as I did while surrounded by the new people I met at Eagle U. There are endless reasons why I would recommend this program to others. I feel that I am a better, more educated person after Eagle U. I have learned how to represent myself for future career opportunities and communicate better with coworkers and members of society. I learned so much and got to meet new friends along the way! I cannot recommend this program enough! There were so many takeaways from this program. The biggest thing I gained was the ability to stay positive during tough times. I also learned that working towards your goals and maintaining focus is a great way to keep that positivity!”

- Delany Meek, referred by Scott Anderson FCPA, FCGA Partner at Alliance Accounting Group

“I attended Eagle U in 2022, and my favorite part was the guests that came in to speak to us because they had a lot of useful information that we could use in our day-to-day lives. I recommend this program to other students because it prepares and inspires you to be more than you thought you would be before you went there. My biggest takeaway from Eagle U personally was the value of other people and what they have to offer—their knowledge and the advice they can give. You might know a lot of influential people in your life, and Eagle U teaches you how to appreciate that. Since I’m a college student, I plan to use the information I learned from Eagle U to help me study and hopefully land good job internships.”

- Nathaniel Grissom, referred by Becky Grissom, Partner/Owner at Wilson Toellner CPA in Sedalia, MO


Do you know a high school or college student who would benefit from attending Eagle U?

If so, we’d like to sponsor their attendance at the next Eagle U. Get more information and apply for a full scholarship.

July 10-14

Baker University, Baldwin City, KS


As a Solutions Advisor for Boomer Consulting, Inc., Kylie Pruser is excited about engaging with clients, helping them solve their problems, enrich their businesses and grow. Her primary focus is on communities, including the Talent Circle, Learning & Development Circle, and Operations Circles.


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